Sitemap - 2014 - Ethan teaches you music

How to tell funk from disco

DJ Earworm on the art of the mashup

Terry Riley and Taylor Swift

What's missing from music theory class?

How should we be teaching music technology?

Pop musicians in the academy

My Montclair State students evaluate me

Adam Bell evaluates my teaching

What if music theory made sense?

The saddest chord progression ever

Why do people love music so much?

Composing for controllerism

Toward a statement of purpose

How to write a pop song

Ableton Session View and instrument design

All student work should go on the web

A book you should read

Happy birthday Thelonious Monk

Will musicians ever be replaced by robots?

Panel on games in education

Shared sample projects

Electronic music tasting menu

Music theory blues

Blues tonality

Digital audio basics

My music education

Sucker MCs

My NYU course this fall

Remix as compositional critique

The great music interface metaphor shift

A DIY video about DIY recording

Killen and Marotta

Internet blues

Making rhythm tutorial videos

Reflections on teaching Ableton Live, part two

Reflections on teaching Ableton Live: part one

What is groove?

What's up with Ethan

Remixing Verdi with Ableton Live

Why is "Let It Go" such a big deal?

Announcing the Peter Gabriel edition of Play With Your Music

Participatory music vs presentational music

Anatomy of a Disquiet Junto project

Some contemporary classical music that I actually like

Composing improvisationally with Ableton Live

Marc Weidenbaum on remixes

Recording Peter Gabriel's Security

Tabla Breakbeat Science is dropping an album

Repetition defines music

Play With Your Rhythm

The state of the lullaby

Play with your music theory

Everyone can and should be making music

TufAmerica suing Frank Ocean is ridiculous

Video production is hard but fun

Milo is walking

The Red Hot Chili Peppers unplugged

Fractal music

Animated gifs and electronic music